For a mobile game to be in demand, follow the basic rules. Provide minimum bugs, user-friendly interface, pleasant intuitive design. But the development of mobile games is often associated with errors that affect the experience of the audience. Below we will consider the main flaws that require the control of the developer.
No difference between platforms
Usually mobile game development is performed for iOS and Android, with versions identical in functionality and other features. But the platforms have a number of differences, so the development cycle requires different approaches regarding software design, internal navigation, and monetization connections. For example, Android devices are often equipped with physical navigation buttons, while iOS usually does not. Another factor is manufacturer support. Apple updates even older devices to current versions of the OS, such as the first-generation iPhone 6s and SE. On Android the scatter is stronger, on version 5.0 still works more than 30% of devices with this OS.
Lack of promotion strategy
To start creating mobile games, think through the terms of reference, outline a marketing strategy. The game will find the target audience, therefore will be in demand, otherwise enter the niche will not work. At first, work out the feedback channels, the promotion of the game, the concept of advertising, if the game is created for online casinos it would be good to think about the attractiveness of the bonus policy. If you spend the program release in stores, hastily inventing a marketing bicycle along the way – the strategy will fail.
Ignoring feedback
Feedback is always important, whether it is mobile game development, testing stage, or post-release support. The player should ask for help as simply and quickly as possible, getting a quick response that solves the problem. Unrealized feedback is the result of user churn, implying product stagnation, because there is no basis for program improvement.
Unmet goals
Mobile game development will be unproductive without precisely defined goals. Define a specific idea – what you should get, when, what are the criteria for success. Set the bar for revenue/number of downloads – the team will reach the figure by meeting the set deadlines.
Compulsive monetization
In-game purchases are not the only way to generate revenue. If mobile game development gets hung up on this channel, you can lose users. A donation-oriented game infringes on free players, and pop-up offers annoy even donaters. Mobile game development involves monetization, but it must be done carefully. Then the audience gradually grows, mobile game development pays off after release.
Game developer creates its own engine
The mistake is made by newcomers, for whom game development is an unexplored area. Trying to create their own engine, the best solution is to produce a low-quality product, the worst case is burnout, so there is no result. But experienced developers with a reliable professional team may think about working out a new engine. Keep in mind, there are paid, free engine options. With them, mobile game development saves time.
No deadlines
Mobile game development without clear deadlines lasts indefinitely, as the team relaxes, responsibility is minimal. To eliminate fuzzy interpretation, divide the development cycle by distributing the stages, assign specific deadlines to each. This approach disciplines the team, mobile game development becomes more effective. The main thing is to constantly remind employees of the deadlines for completion to avoid unpleasant surprises.
Refuse from testing

No matter how professional the team is, the chance of no bugs moves towards zero. Developing mobile games without testing eliminates their detection, it is impossible to get data on the overall impression of users about the product. In fact, it is not even possible to know how much mobile game development affects the potential audience. While bugs and other flaws usually remain after release, testing makes it possible to eliminate critical variants.
Failure to recognize a bug
The point concerns the very idea of the game, when initially unviable product is trying to bring it to a working condition. Development of mobile games, initially attractive, turns out to be a complete failure, it does not revive even modern graphics with a good soundtrack. To prevent mistakes, mobile game development starts from the introduction of an idea for a primitive prototype. If the gameplay, the overall message and other aspects of the suit – develop the idea, begin full development. Otherwise, it is better to refuse a “dead” idea.
Too ambitious
Newcomers in mobile gamemaking are often optimistic, planning a AAA-class RPG or a PUBG-level shooter from the very first lines of code, in the absence of resources, a team. Naturally, the development of mobile games begins, even a prototype is presented, but the game is brought to the final state by the grandchildren of enthusiasts. The rule “you can’t leap over the head” works perfectly in game-development. Do not overestimate your own abilities, rushing to a global ambuscade, strike your hand on a simple platformer, casual. Such options are popular among players.
The intricacy of the idea
Conceptualists often come up with things that you can’t even explain to another person with graphs that include flowcharts. Then it is impossible to develop video games, even finding a team that implements the ideas, sooner or later the lack of understanding will be a major problem. Try to formulate a game idea, tell an outsider who has nothing to do with gamemaking. This approach will help to correct the course, the expected result, because the development of mobile games happens for ordinary people.
Team spread
Developing mobile games with a large team is not always a good thing, in a large team it is difficult to organize activities. The lack of clear control, delegation of tasks is a failure of the idea. When recruiting new members of the team, immediately think about their subordination, the range of tasks.